Originally Posted by sokhapkin
The only difference is in the panel size. Monocrystaline panels are slightly smaller than poly at the same rated wattage. If the size works to you, then buy either one.
This is incorrect. Monocrystalline panels have a higher conversion efficiency than polycrystalline panels, which means they produce more kilowatt-hours of electricity. If you want to install a
solar system but your space is limited, monocrystalline panels will be more productive per square foot. Also, they have a lower temperature coefficient, making them more efficient in the heat of the sun and about a 10% greater expected lifespan. However, they are the more expensive of the two types. The charge controller does not say, but is most likely a PWM as opposed to an MPPT and will be another weak link in this system.
Personally, I'd pass on this system.
Originally Posted by Jann Todd
Go talk to someone at Home Depot that knows about these things. One thing about it is if you buy one and don't like it you can take it back. Best to buy locally for that reason.
Good luck with finding that person.