Hi, Sara and Charlie! We DID it! Got a 17' Casita...It's a cute little thing!
We plan to head out on Sept. 12th... and reach Sweetwater (near Jeremy) by Sept. 21st. I posted a picture on my 'registry'... so maybe you can see it.
Maybe this link will work...[IMG]file:///C:/Users/angel/OneDrive/Road%20Trip/AF1QipOGkVuFKRnQFnCNsUxoxWvp8A2H8VhutuFqk-0I.html[/IMG]file:///C:/Users/angel/OneDrive/Road%20Trip/AF1QipOGkVuFKRnQFnCNsUxoxWvp8A2H8VhutuFqk-0I.html
You may not even see this message...so I'll send it via fb messenger.
There's more than one way to skin a cat!
Hope you all are well... and if travelling - be safe!
Sorry Charlie, I forgot to answer your question regarding the front grill. The condenser part of the air conditioner is behind that vent. The area of the floor directly below it is a heavy metal mesh for venting of the propane , should it ever have a leak. I pulled it through a hard tropical storm returning home and had no leaks.