Wiring updated to 12 volt self contained system.
New lighting installed.
12 volt water pump installed.
Removed single bench and brackets for bunk.
Removed table and installed permanent double bed.
Installed porch light
Removed rear spare tire rack and built and installed stowage.
In place of single bench. Built in pantry with lower seat and storage for battery on one side. Round pedestal table centre. storage seat with portapotti on other side.
Rear - removed table installed permanent double bed with accessible storage underneath.
Changed closet to shelf storage.
Installed self retracting magnetized screen door. Installed tv bracket and flat screen tv.
Replaced all lights. Replaced flooring with new lino. Replaced all cupboard doors. Removed all rubber guard from front and resurfaced with rock guard. Removed all windows. Painted interior/exterior. resealed all windows. new exterior clearance lights. replaced front window guard. replace water lines. Replaced water taps. installed rubber/chrome belly band.
Other Information
We painted the trillium to match our tow vehicle. The previous green with black rubber just didn't work for us. As we have no other passengers, we did not need the front bunk and planned it out for plenty of sleeping area along with spacious area to get up and have coffee. The inside was painted out white for maximum brightness. The screen door was a must!
Haven't figured out where the best place to carry spare. Tried mounting under aframe, but found it to be a little low. Also wanting ideas for hot water. We completed all the renovations by hand out in our back yard.
Tow Vehicle
2000 Jeep TJ creamy white...just like the Trillium. Now a matching set.