It appears the original table was shortened and set at a taller height. An Igloo 'refrigerator' was installed, previous owner was not impressed with its cooling capabilities. Rolled vinyl floor, vinyl wallpaper used to cover drawers. HotPoint Porta Cool installed in window.
We will keep the original tan-ish color but add clean and shine to it. Planning to have some vinyl logos cut to replace the originals.
I'm not sure if this is in the 'renovation' category or not. The lid was sagging whenever it rained and I was not happy with the dark 'ceiling' under the lid. We pulled the lid and spent several weeks soaking and prying the ceiling loose. That was incredible glue they used on the Compacts!! Anyway, we are going to talk to awning folks to come up with some sort of lightweight arch support then paint, probably with an insulating material. Onward!!