Fixed solar panel & wiring. Fixed gas stove. Replaced faucet. Repair leaking windows & door. Adding outlets. General maintenance. Added 12-volt plug. Removed heater, created open basket pantry shelf. Removed bunk bed hardware, reversed cushions, making a very comfortable couch. Added window unit & used marine deck plates for ventilation on exterior. Added shur-flo pump, water filter & changed out faucet. Replaced "dining" room cushions into a 6" memory foam mattress for a permanent bed area. Recut all scuttle hole covers & replaced fiberglass tabletop with 3/4" plywood for bed.
Replaced vinyl widow glazing & door trim, added flexible gutter around windows, doors and all exterior openings. Added exterior outlet. Sealed all running lights.
Name her....Egg-Go
New scuttle hole seat covers with 3/4" plywood. Rewired & tagged all wires & hoses. Re-plumbed sink, modified potable water tank.