woodm's Trailer :: Chariot of the Woods' III
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Chariot of the Woods' III
woodm woodm is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Haliburton
Posts: 25
Trailer Name Chariot of the Woods' III
Year 1980
Model B17SM Deluxe
Length 17'
History Purchased in June 2015 from an elderly couple who had owned the trailer since 1983. While the unit is basically solid, there is a considerable amount of work required to repair water damage to the interior.
Removed and replaced all sliding acrylic access panels on storage compartments. These were a hideous orange colour and were replaced with thin white acrylic panels made from florescent light diffusers...helps to brighten up the interior. Future plan is to eventually replace the sliding panels with new doors, hinges and other related hardware.

The interior will require further attention as there is considerable water damage to the paneling in several locations.

Deep cleaning of the exterior and then applied numerous coats of Zep wax to bring back the shine. We have limited this process to the areas above the beltline until we have removed and replaced all decals and graphics with new.

Removed and replaced roof vents with new, including the vent for the plumbing. This was no small task as the numerous layers of sealant and caulking that had been applied and re-applied over the years was next to impossible to remove. A complete refinish of the entire roof exterior has now been added to the 'to-do' list.

Other Information
1975 Trillium 1300 1978 Glendale Sterling
We have owned many different types of camping units including slide-in truck campers, fifth wheel trailers and a Class C motorhome.

We previously owned a Trillium 1300 which we reconditioned over a 6-year period.

The Bigfoot will also undergo a major reconditioning over the next few years.

Tow Vehicle
Wannabe TV
2012 Chevrolet Traverse

1966 Chevrolet Corvair convertible (work in progress...still not comfortable with weight distributions and towing configuration).
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