In the past 20+ years, the water tank went missing (!), furnace and power converter removed. Cushions recovered. Also found an awful lot of rot (both wet and dry). Reseating the windows and replacing wood as we went along corrected that. The worst part was someone had at one time put some kind of carrier on the roof and drilled 5 holes...and never filled them when it was removed!! obviously had leaked for a long...long time.
no mods yet
The upright sections and backsplash on the counter were both swollen and rotted. Remade them but thinned the legs on the upright sections to take some of the clunkiness away.
Sanded and repainted the table. Wanda made the curtains throughout.
We replaced the cooktop. The original was operational, just too grungy. Sink was cleaned up and counter replaced.
Gaucho end only needed curtains and cosmetics
Other Information
the remaining wood was treated to a scuffing and redone with varathane. All the screwholes dubious other holes don't quite show up so badly now.
All of the cabinet hardware was replaced with new. That helped a lot!